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Puffins: animals theme & Christmas calendar

Hello dear reader,
A lot has happened since the last time we wrote here, even a new year has started! Time really flies. If you are wondering what has occurred to Puffins’ agenda during the previous months, don’t worry, we are going to keep you updated.

Right after the Diwali and Halloween parties, Puffins started November by celebrating Father’s Day Coffee. For this day, fathers came to have breakfast and time together with their children. All the Puffins were very happy and excited to see their fathers and also gifted them with handmade cards and keyrings they had previously done. It was such a lovely event that Puffins will remember happily. Continuing with the training of the future Olympic athletes, Puffins started a weekly visit to the gym. There, Puffins together with their teachers have been practicing fine and gross motor skills with different exercises such as catching and throwing balls, going under the parachute, jumping on the trampoline, going through the tunnel, running by doing animal sounds, movements with scarves and sensing different textures in their feet with the sensory mat.

Around mid-November, Puffins prepared their best outfits for the Photo Day. It looked like they came straight from the Milan Fashion Week since all their clothes were amazing and beautiful. They were like models trying their best to take the cutest photos. Children and teachers really liked that experience and photos ended being very beautiful. Teachers are very proud of Puffins since this was a whole new experience for all of them. Alongside to this event around mid-November, Puffins involved themselves with a new theme for the month: the animals. For this theme, children did some arts and crafts by painting chickens, gluing cotton to create sheep, painting on a big paper with different animal prints, creating a lion by gluing colour paper, etc. Moreover, since they were very excited about this theme, teachers created an indoor gym which based its main aim on moving and doing sounds like different wild and farm animals. In company with all these activities, the sensory box changed too turning into a lovely farm with a lot of pigs, cows, and horses. This new themed sensory box gave the opportunity of taking care of animals as well as playing with them in an in-depth farm environment.

Finally, December arrived and it meant the end of the autumn term. But it does not mean that this month was going to be a normal one, it was the most exciting one! Because the magic and cozy environment of Christmas was around the corner. For this month, teachers created a wonderful Christmas calendar full of activities and events that with the help of our friend Cookie Sugar Sock -she came all the way from Santa Claus´ Village- they were very happy and excited every day knowing they were going to have a new activity. During this month, Puffins put all their interest and best skills on doing some arts and crafts to decorate for December as well as for the Finnish Independence Day, decorating the Christmas tree, signing Christmas carols, having a Christmas party with their families and teachers, having a Christmas gym to exercise with Christmas songs in different languages, painting a big sign to wish Happy Holidays to everybody, having a playdate with Penguins and sledging.

Let´s have an amazing spring term!
Happy 2025 everybody!

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